Types of Trip for Air France Booking:

  • One Way TripYour one-way journey could be expensive compared to other types of travel. You can easily book one way flight on FirstFly Travels website by selecting your choice.
  • Round Trip Round trip includes your return journey from the destination. This type of journey costs you much lesser than the one-way trip and you can easily avail deals from us. We always advise to book round trip to save your money.
  • Multicity Trip This type of journey includes several flights to several destinations on same reservation. You can easily book multicity trip on our website after availing discounts. You can also contact Air France for multicity trip, but booking with us will make it a difference as we are containing exhaustive inventory.

Steps For Air France Reservations:

  • Pull up the First Fly Travel website either on your computer or mobile. For better performance you need to delete the cookies from your browser
  • On the top of the homepage, you can see the booking box where you need to enter your travel requirements like origin city, destination city, number of passengers, class etc. and then press enter
  • On the next page, you need to select a Air France flight of your choice from the list and then press enter
  • It will take you to where you need to input passenger details like names, date of birth, contact information etc.
  • Proceed to the next page to check net price of the flight after applying promotional discount or other offers
  • Make payment using various modes like cards, cash or account after you confirm the net amount
  • After the payment you will receive a confirmation email along with booking confirmation number.
  • Alternatively, you can also visit the airline’s official website wwws.airfrance.fr for flight reservation.

Why Air France Reservations With Us?

We, at First Fly Travel, have always been making difference by coming up with new and innovative deals on reliable and cheap flight tickets. We also have state-of-the-art contact center where our travel professionals are working round the clock for cordial assistance and to make the flight bookings easy for you. All you need to do is buzz us anytime of the day to make most of the Air France reservations.

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